We answer the most frequent questions with regard to the following topics:
Course registration: When do I have to register for courses?
Every program which uses LSF to distribute course places via LSF announces this on its homepage. Please check your faculty's, department's or program's webiste and/or contact coordinator of studies, if you are unsure.
Course registration: LSF does not list all my programs. Why could this be?
If the list of programs you are enrolled in is not complete, this could be due to the following reasons:
Are you enrolled for the current semester?
You can check here whether you are properly enrolled for the current semester. Please note that it can take up to two days until your enrolement has been update after you have paid your fees.
Does your CampusLMU account work?
Please log on to the LMU portal and check if your username and password work there. If this is not the case, you need to contact the CampusLMU Helpdesk.
Do you need to register for courses of the missing program??
If you are not sure whether you need to register for courses in the respective program, please do not hesitate to contact your coordinator of studies.
Are you within the registration period?
If you are not sure when you need to register for courses in the respective program, please do not hesitate to contact your coordinator of studies.
Course registration: What does the "?" next to courses in my schedule mean?
When the registrations are distributed after the registration period, no further registration can take place so that coordinators and lecturers have to possiblity to check the course lists and make adjustments. This is indicated through the question mark in your schedule. If this process has been completed, to coordinators usually unblock the course lists so that students can see in their schedule in which courses they got a place.
Exam registration: Do I have to register for exams?
Due to the high number of different programs and their regulations, we cannot give you a definite answer. If you are in doubt, please contact your coordinator of studies or your examination office.
Exam registration: How do I register for exams?
If you need to register via LSF, please you the function exam registration.
Exam registration: It doesn't work. Who do I contact?
Should you encounter problems whilst registering for exams, please contact your coordinator of studies or your examination office.
Academic counselling: Who do I contact if I have questions with regard to my course of studies?
If you have questions with regard to the progress and/or content of your course of studies, please contact your coordinator of studies and/or academic counsellor.
Academic counselling: Where can I find out who my coordinator of studies and/or academic counsellor are?
Just follow the link in the above question; alternatively, you can finde the information the following way: on the LMU homepage, choose Students in the left-hand column and click Degree Students. You can then continue to BA or MA programs where you will find important information about each program, including the respective coordinator of studies and academic counsellor.